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“We use the online Company Stars test to our satisfaction for the recruitment and selection of our traders and shipping managers. Insight into sales styles, whether someone is a hunter or a farmer, is particularly interesting. In addition, it is clear at a glance in the selection diagram. , the extent to which 14 competencies are present in the candidates, is shown. In addition to the Company Stars test, we also use the intelligence module to obtain a complete picture of the candidate.” –

Hans Limburg, Owner and Founder Argentrade International B.V.

Over Argentrade

Argentrade International is a global trading company specializing in a diverse range of frozen food products, including poultry, pork, beef, fish, vegetables and French fries. The company focuses on niche markets around the world and provides international customers with high-quality products.

Since 1993, Argentrade has built a reputation as a reliable and service-oriented trading partner. Its headquarters are strategically located in Rotterdam, the heart of Europe’s largest port. Dedication to providing top quality frozen food products is reflected in daily high-volume trading.

To ensure that products are transported efficiently from A to B, Argentrade has a team of experienced and dedicated logistics specialists. The company is proud of its two proprietary brands, Coldstars and Crystal Cold, which are well-known in the market and guarantee high-quality products at competitive prices.

De oplossing

Argentrade uses the Company Stars & Management Stars test to select and develop traders. These traders operate worldwide and are involved in the international buying and selling of bulk food products. Our Company Stars test sales module offers insight into candidates’ unique personality and hidden “sales” motivations. We look at whether they are hunters/acquisites or more focused on relationship management. In addition, we assess their ability to maintain an overview and be decisive in closing deals. The sales module provides tools to select or further develop the right international sellers/traders.

Selectieadvies gebaseerd op drijfveren en competenties

Argentrade wanted to identify the potential of its traders and managers and have potential new employees tested online before making an employment offer. After taking the tests, one receives very concrete selection advice based on the data collected, such as the percentage success rate, and/or specific development points per competency. In this way, we contribute to creating strong employees and teams.

All the mentioned actions and processes can be easily managed and executed by HR and managers through the Company Stars dashboard. Once an account is created, our professional support department will guide you to achieve the desired results.

Learn more about Argentrade here.